Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to Raise Discus Fish - Simple Things You Should Know When Raising Discus Fish

A wonderful aquarium or fish tank can earn you lots of appreciation from whoever is visiting your house. And discus fish is the best fish that you can choose for your tank. This is because not only are they very colorful and attractive, but also they adapt to aquariums better than most tropical fishes.

However, they do have some specific habits and thus you require proper care so that they can adorn your tank for long.

Discus are shy and this can complicate their overall behavior when put them together with other breeds. However, the following tips can ensure that you do not have any problems in raising them.

The tips on how to raise discus fish are:

1. Make sure that the water in the tank remains between 74 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal temperature for discus fish to grow because it is similar to the warm water of their natural habitat.

2. Also maintain a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 for discus fishes. In case the water becomes too acidic, bring down the pH level with soda.

3. Keep the water clean at all times with the help of filter pumps. Also clean the filter regularly to ensure that it functions properly.

4. Buy discus fish food only, because they have very specific food habits. You should give them small and frequent meals, to facilitate growth.

5. As far as the right ambiance is concerned, you can try to keep the fish tank in a quiet part of your house, because discus don't like din.

If you want to raise discus fish and learn how to properly care for them, click here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to Breed Discus Fish - Simple Tips That Will Help You When Breeding Discus Fish

Discus is an extremely popular aquarium fish almost all over the world. Observations say that this fish shows a highly developed social behavior and hence is choosy about their breeding partners. Originally from the Amazon and its tributaries, they like to be in groups, or communities. So if you are keen to have them in your aquarium, make sure that you buy a group of discus.

Breeding discus fish can be a little tricky as it needs a partner of its choice, clean water and a stipulated temperature to lay eggs. If you want to do it at home, follow these tips on how to breed discus fish:

1. Take a large tank of water, preferably about 10 gallons in size so that you can keep at least four discus fish in it. Discus won't be happy if you don't give it its friends! A good idea is to keep two of each gender.

2. Another tip on how to breed discus fish is to keep a thermometer attached to your tank which will keep a constant check on the temperature. Discus needs 80 degrees to breed.

3. You have to make sure that the water is sufficiently clean. Frequent changes of the same can be necessary if you feed the fish a little too often Always remember that discus likes to breed in clean areas.

4. Once you see a couple of discus cleaning up an area, you can be sure that they have decided to breed. Place this couple in a smaller tank of water and let them lay the eggs. The pair will also fertilize the eggs, so let them stay in the smaller tank for some time.

If you want to breed discus fish and learn how to properly care for them, click here.

Feeding the Discus Fish

The right feeding is one of the most important things if we want to have our discus fish healthy and beautiful. Below I will try to give you the most important feeding tips.

Discus like all other fishes needs a variety if talking about food. They need a lot of vitamins and minerals so food should be very different.

While your discus is about 2 inches (5 centimeters) you should feed it about 5 times a day. Later when it grows up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) you can feed only two times a day. Reduce feeding times every three to five days. Don't feed your fish when you are going to turn off the lights.

Firstly, when buying the discus, you should ask the seller what type of food did he use when feeding discus. If you think that food was picked well than you should follow using it further. If you decide to change the type of food than you shouldn't do that too fast because changing food instantly can cause starvation of you discus. That can take up to one month. So you better firstly make a mix of 90% old food with 10% of new and see how your discus fish reacts. If the food fits to your discus fish than you should raise the quantity of new food up to 10% every next day until you reach the moment when it will eat only a new food. If you see that changes are going too fast - your fish isn't eating so well like before, you should make changes slower.

It is a necessity to feed your discus with some live or frozen food. I recommend you to try some of these:

-Frozen or Live Adult Brine Shrimp

-Mosquito Larvae

-White Worms


-Chopped up Red Worms

-Mysis Shrimp

-Glass Worms

Also don't forget to give your discus some pellet food. Moreover you can try giving your discus fish raw turkey or beef hearts or livers chopped in small pieces. Some people think that it is the best food to the discus.

By clicking here you will find more great tips about discus fish and its feeding.

Monday, November 28, 2011

How To Determine The Sex of Discus Fish

One of the biggest question asked of the discus breeder is "how do I determine the sex of my fish?" There are very few easy identifiable identifiers in this process. Here, we will discuss the methods used by some of the top breeders.

In juvenile fish, determining sex is almost impossible. It is only when they begin to pair off that an opportunity arises to help in the determination of sex. Juvenile fish, both male and female, have a rounded dorsal fin, and it is not until they begin to mature that a difference can be detected. As it is never wise to excessively handle the fish, close observation is in order to aid the breeder.

In Allnut Enterprises' King Discus Hatchery, for example, it is an easy process to determine who is who, as we have observed these fish for a while, and can determine the sex of the pairs we own. This would be true in any hatchery. But to the uninitiated or casual observer, this would not be easy to do.

Some of the identifiers: The male will have thicker lips to aid him in his fight to protect the female, and will be more aggressive. He will be larger than the female, his forehead is thicker, and we have observed that if the discus are a bit shy, the male will have a tendency to stay between the female and the observer.

The dorsal fin of the male will be pointed, and the female's dorsal fin will be rounded. Note that in juvenile discus, this is not apparent.

The breeding tube of the female, between the anus and anal fin, is broader and rounder than the male, and will have a blunt tip. The male, in turn, has a smaller, sharper breeding tube. Be aware that this is only evident during spawning, and should be closely observed.

It has been said that the male discus fish will tend to have a less intense color and more pattern while the female tends to be more colorful but with lesser pattern. I disagree, because too many variables are in place here, such as the health of the discus, the water parameters, and feeding pattern.

In an interesting article by Jeff Richard, [] he discusses an article from Diskus Brief, a German publication, which reports a very successful way of determine sex of a discus by using simple geometry. Jeff reports, and I quote: "Picture a discus facing to your left ... you would be looking at its side. Find the Dorsal (Top) and Anal (bottom) fins and look where the fins slope down toward the Caudal (tail) fin ... make sure you're looking at the fins after they have curved back toward the tail. The Dorsal and Anal Fins become (almost) straight after the fins curve down (or up) toward the Caudal Fin ... extend an imaginary line along this straight section of the 2 fins back toward the tail which just touches the Dorsal & Anal Fins past the Caudal Fin. These two imaginary lines should intersect behind the fish. The key to sexing the fish is where the lines cross the Caudal fin. If they pass through the Caudal Fin, the fish is most likely a FEMALE. If they miss or just touch the Caudal Fin, then most likely it is a MALE." Thanks, Jeff!

Sexing Discus is difficult at best. The easiest way to do so is to raise a group of at least six to eight discus, and allow them to pair off when ready. It is a beautiful sight to see this happen, and makes the hobby well worthwhile.

Alden Smith is a published author, and has been marketing on the internet for 7 years. His website, King Discus [], is an active gathering place for discus breeders and lovers of discus fish.

His wife Betsy is the administrator of All The Best Recipes [] a site rich in online recipes and cookbooks.

Discus Fish Food - Everything You Need to Know

While keeping up the water in your discus fish tank is perhaps the most crucial factor in the condition of your pets, feeding is important also. If your fish are undernourished, they can lose their protection and become sick or unwell. There's a large number of data out there per the right discus fish food, I'm able to try to make it easy on you here with this easy article.

You have probably spent a fair deal of money on getting your tank set up and buying your discus fish if you have got them already. If you have not, you have possibly at least looked at the costs related to this entertainment and notice you need the best for your discus fish to be satisfied and healthy.

The discus fish food that you should buy in pet stores could be enough for your discus fish, however it's not financially possible for them to put everything in their food that your discus fish may need. For that reason, you'll desire to consider making your own fish food, and this isn't tricky to do. A simple recipe is shown below:

1 1/2 lb fresh beef heart

1/2lb shrimp (shelled)

1 bunch of spinach

1 package of unflavored gelatin powder

1 multivitamin tablet (Centrum)

Trim all the fat from the beef heart and grind it up in a food processor. Once that's done, place it in cheese material and wash with cold water getting the maximum quantity of the blood out as you can. Chop up the shrimp and unfreeze out the spinach.

Mix all this together in a bowl with the gelatin powder and the multivitamin tablet. Mix fully and place the mix in a zip lock bag. Flatten the mix out in the bag and place it in the refrigerator. Before you feed the mix to your discus fish, you'll need to break off a portion of the frozen mix and let it unfreeze overnight in the chiller.

This will appear like a pain, but after you have made it once, it is a breeze to do and with this recipe, it will make enough to last you for months. The additional benefits will be recognized in the behavior and vitality of your fish.

Adult discus fish should be fed twice every day while baby fish are always hungry and can be fed up to 3 times a day. There are far more things that fish will eat, and you want to actually give them some variety in their diet. For example, you can feed them bloodworms from time to time, or simply cut up salt water shrimp. Feeding them one kind of food all the time could cause deficiencies that will finish up in poor growth and their becoming subject to sickness.

Making your own fish food and maintaining some of the tips that have been given to you here should steer you to having content and healthy fish for ages to come.

Evelyn Stone is a discus fish expert. Discover The ULTIMATE Guide For Discus Fish Care, Learn The Secrets How To Breed And Grow A Happy & Healthy Discus Fish!
Learn more information about Discus Fish Food, visit

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tips for Preventing Discus Fish Disease

The discus fish is a species of fish from the Amazon. They are called "discus" in reference to their appearance; they are shaped sort of circular and come in bright flashy colours. They are used to the rivers and streams of the Amazon and they like lots of dense vegetation in their habitat along with soft water. While these beautiful, flashy, Tropical fish have been the rage for the last ninety or so years they are not the easiest to keep. They can be considered a very delicate type of fish and easily disease-prone.

When caring for discus, you need a very large tank for them to stay healthy. At the age of only six months they are about the size of a tennis ball so that should tell you approximately about what size tank they will need, normally around a minimum of 10 gallons per adult fish as a rough estimate. As they do better in a larger group, about six to eight together, from this you can see that a rather large tank is indeed required.

Discus fish Maintenance Tips

Water - needs daily attention and weekly total cleaning. The temperature should stay at a steady twenty-eight to thirty degrees Celsius. Discus Fish like to have slightly acidic water with a P.H. level of at least 6.0 to 7.0. Also carefully monitor their tank for nitrogen waste.

Aggressive Fish - Don't house them with aggressive fish as they don't do well. They are fine with more docile fish but really prefer more of their own species. Be careful not to house them with much smaller fish as they might consider them food.

Discus Disease

Proper aquarium maintenance is probably the most important aspect of discus care; water plays a key part in keeping your discus healthy. If the temperature in their tank isn't watched carefully they can become depressed. If you see the colours of your discus start to fade then you know that you have an unhappy fish, an unhappy fish will stop eating and you may even notice that they start breathing faster. If you start to notice that they are passing a white-rope-like stool then they have become ill due to the tanks temperature. But this is easily addressed by fixing the conditions in their tank that are undesirable.

Care must be taken in choosing the type of fish that your Discus are housed with as they can become stressed by aggressive house-mates and then become ill. If you notice that they are acting like they're stressed, than simply removing them from the other fish will help them. A common mistake is housing them with an algae eating type of fish and thinking that this breed is harmless to them.

Discus Fish can get diseases caused by worms. One of the more common of which is hole in their head disease. This can be treated by commonly available medicines. These can be used with their frozen food. There are a number of other more serious diseases that they can get but, in the vast majority of cases, can be avoided by keeping a clean tank and the right water temperature.

To learn more about keeping and breeding Discus fish, go to my Discus care website, there you will find out about preventing Discus disease and also a complete list of common Discus diseases

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Discus Fish Breeding Tips - Easy Ways to Breed Your Discus Fish

The discus fish is a favorite among aquarium owners worldwide. Research indicates that this fish exhibits an advanced social behavior and thus is selective about its mate. Originating from the Amazon River and its branches, they are most often found in groups, or communities. Therefore, if you are going to stock them in your aquarium, you should make certain that you purchase several of the fish.

The breeding of discus may be somewhat complex since it requires a mate of its choosing, clean water, and a certain temperature in order to lay eggs. Should you desire to take on the task, use these discus fish breeding tips if you want to breed your fish the easy way:

1. Start with an aquarium of about ten gallons so you have room for a minimum of four discus. The discus will be unhappy if it does not have any friends! It will be a good move to have two males and two females.

2. A second discus fish breeding tip is to install a thermometer in your aquarium to maintain a continuous watch on the water temperature. Discus require 80 degree water to breed.

3. You must make certain that the water is clean. Do not forget that the discus prefers to breed in a clean environment, so frequent water changes may be necessary, particularly if you feed the fish too often.

4. When you observe that a couple of discus are working together to clean an area, you can be confident that they have chosen each other to breed. Remove this couple into a smaller tank and permit them to lay the eggs. Since the pair will fertilize the eggs eventually, let them stay in the second tank for quite a while.

If you want other secrets on discus fish breeding, click here.

Quick Tips For Breeding Discus Fish

You will find that many discus owners will come to a stage were they decide its time to start breeding discus fish. Its not impossible however it can be hard work, but if done correctly can be rewarding. Like all cichlids, discus choose a spawning site then guard and rear the eggs and resulting fry.

Here are some quick tips for you...

Pairing: Discus fish really don't take well to arrange marriages, the best way to get a pair to gather is to buy a group of young unrelated fish of the same colour type and let them pair up themselves. This might happen from when the fish are half grown, spawning usually occurs when there ¾ of their adult size. The fish will usually remain a pair until the remainder of there lives.

Spawning: Discus will choose a near vertical smooth site, which they clean and then the female will lay any ware from 80-400 eggs and then the male fertilises them. It can take between 50-60 hours for the eggs to hatch and another 36-48 hours until their swimming freely.

Breeding Tank: Its best to keep the breeding tanks simple and to have a simple air powered filtration, spawning sites (terracotta cones, broad leafed plants or slate) and no substrate. The water needs to be very soft so the eggs can develop properly. The quality of the water needs to be excellent and have a temperature of about 84-88F. Also a suitable tank size is 24x18x18.

Feeding and Conditioning: The parents will need a good and varied diet not just to condition them to spawn, but to provide nutrition when they are feeding their fry. Large water changes, a temperature rise and heavy feeding is often a good spawning trigger.

Fry Rearing: It's a good idea to give the fry additional feedings of small foods such as (BBS) baby brine shrimp whilst with parents. You will notice after about 3-6 weeks the parents will be exhausted, also the fry will be growing fast it's a good idea to remove them. This is where lots of tanks and water changes are needed to achieve a decent growth rate. I used to grow circa. 40 fry to just under 2" in a 55G tank, and this required heavy water changing. The discus market is saturated with fish, so it best to grow 20-50 excellent fry than 80 runts. Growth is reasonable, but not spectacular.

So if you're thinking about breeding discus fish I hope these quick tips have been of some use to you.

Remember it pays to do your research.

Discover The Secrets to Breeding Discus Fish

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tips on How to Determine the Gender of Your Discus Fish

There are a variety of methods that breeders use to know the gender of a discus fish, most of them are used when they have already grown. While they are still young, it is virtually impossible to determine its gender. Also, be warned that over handling the fish may result to its death.

Therefore, you need to have a very keen observation so that you will be able to truly determine the sex. You have to to be very patient and to follow the fish well, for those who do not know the differences between the male and the female, it would be very hard to discover its gender.

Here are some tips which can help you identify the gender:

• Male discus fish have thicker lips. They use their mouth to fend off any attackers. So the thicker lips are necessary for their protection and of the females as well.

• The male tends to be larger and has a bigger forehead. The male also tend to be more aggressive, they also tend to come between the female and any intruder to protect the female.

• In the female, the dorsal fin will seem to be rounded, while in the male, it will look more pointed. This is not distinguishable when the discus fish are still young, you can only notice this when they are in their adult stage.

• During spawning, you will notice that the breeding tube of the male tends to be smaller and sharper, with the female, the breeding tube will be rounder, and broader. The breeding tube can be found between the anal fin and the anus.

• Some breeders say that the female discus fish have a more vibrant color, but there are fewer patterns.

It's never easy to find the sex of an animal when they are small, especially when they are fishes. Fishes tend to be fast and moving all the time. So this may cause a lot of problem.

But, if you really determined to become a breeder, then use these tips to help you out. Determining the gender of your fish will help you to pair them equally.

Too many male fishes and they tend to fight, and you may lose your fishes, too much female and then the pairing will be set off. But always remember, you can only successfully determine sex when the discus fish are older. I hope this tips helps.

For more tips,advice,and information on how to care your discus fish, please visit: []

Discus Fish Information - What You Should Know When Raising Discus Fish

A great looking fish tank or aquarium can be admired by anyone who comes into your home. A discus fish would be a great pet to have in that aquarium. The reason for this is not just because they are beautiful and colorful, but they adapt to the aquarium environment a lot better than a lot of fish that are tropical.

But, if you are going to keep a discus, they need proper care and have a few habits you need to know about.

These fish are very shy, so they do not do well if you put other kinds of fish with them. But, using these tips will help make sure that you don't have any issues with your discus.

These are some tips on raising discus fish:

1. Be sure that you keep the water between 74 degrees Fahrenheit and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a perfect temperature for these fish to be in because it is the same as the temperature of the water where they originally live.

2. Make sure you keep the pH level somewhere between 6.5 and 7.5. If there is too much acidity in the water, lower the pH by using soda.

3. Make sure you use filter pumps to guarantee clean water. You will also need to make sure the filter is cleaned on a regular basis so that is works the way it should.

4. Discus fish eat particular food, so give them only food designed for them. To help them grow, feel them small meals more often.

5. When it comes to noise, you need to put the aquarium in a place that is quiet, because discus fish do not like a lot of loud noise.

If you want other discus fish care secrets, click here.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Keeping Discus Fish Disease Free

So you want to keep discus fish or are already keeping discus fish. One of things you must do is keep your discus fish healthy and disease free. In this article I'm going to give you a few tips on how to keep discus fish disease free as:

One of the most common assumptions with discus is that they easily get disease and die. This is not true. They will only get disease if you mistreat them.

The root of the problem is stress, if you cause discus stress there immune system will lower and make them venerable to disease. It is important to keep stress to a minimum so below I have made you a check list of things to do.

o Make sure all water is free from chlorine and heavy metals. It is important that you invest in either an RO unit, water purifier or use a good quality tap water condition.

o Give your discus a good varied diet including frozen bloodworm and slow sinking granules.

o Don't place your discus aquarium near a door and all the movement will cause them stress.

o If you are keeping young discus, keep in groups of no less than six. Discus are a shoaling fish.

o Make sure there are no large changes in pH, hardness or temperature when changing water.

Above are just a few things that you can do to make sure your discus fish live a happy life and remain healthy. Remember discus are not hard to keep, they just require regular water changes and a good varied diet like most other fish. For more details on discus fish please check out my website below.

Rob owns Discus Fish Secrets website helping beginners and advanced fish keepers with discus problems including keeping and breeding them. Please visit the site for more information on

It's Not Very Difficult to Keep Your Discus Fish Alive by Following a Simple Routine

It is a common perception that discus fish is very difficult to keep at your home aquarium. This is just half-truth. Many fish-keepers full do not have any experience in keeping fish of this kind will always tell about their failures blaming discus fish. However if you have some experience in fish-keeping, if you are prepared to take some extra efforts, you will see no difficulties in keeping them.

Here are the things which you must observe if you want to keep discus fish alive and healthy -

1. The quality of water in your aquarium is of prime importance for the health of discus fish. Poor quality of water always results in sickness and death of discus fish. You should always remember that the fish is originating from Brazil. The waters in that country are generally soft and acidic. So you must try to replicate the same quality of water in your aquarium.

2. The size of your aquarium is very important. If you are keeping a large quantity of water, it is easy to manage because the conditions of water will not change frequently. However, if you want to keep the fish in a small aquarium, you have to be very careful in preserving the quality of water.

3. You must understand the nitrogen cycle. This is very important for keeping any fish in the aquarium. If you are not aware of what it means and how to maintain it, you better understand it by making search on the Internet and by discussing it with the local pet shop. If you are not prepared to run the nitrogen cycle regularly, it is better to reconsider about your plants to keep discus fish.

4. High contents of ammonia or nitrite in the aquarium water will be harmful for discus fish. The fish can survive only with the minimal contents of these toxic chemicals in the water. To keep the water absolutely clean and free from all these harmful contents, you have to clean the bottom of the aquarium almost every alternate day to remove the particles of un-eaten food from there. These particles will produce ammonia which will be lethal to the fish.

5. The ph level of the aquarium water has to be maintained in a specific range. The recommended level for discus fish is 5.5 to 7.0. If there is any variation from this level, discus fish will not be able to tolerate it. If you live in an area where the hardness of water is very high, you should make specific efforts to keep it under control for your aquarium. You can install a reverse osmosis filter which will clean the water and also keep the ph levels very low.

6. You should have sufficient knowledge about feeding discus fish. If you have adults, you should feed them at least have two to three times in a day. However the quantity should never exceed their requirements. The excessive food will accumulate at the bottom of the aquarium and it will start contaminating the water quickly.

7. Periodic changes of aquarium water must be done. Never change the entire water at one time. You should change about 25 per cent of the water every time.

All the about things are simple to understand and follow. If you set up a routine to take care of all these things and followed it strictly, you will be able to enjoy the company of discus fish for a long time.

Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way. His famous digital book, "Secrets on Keeping Beautiful Goldfish", offers simple, easy to follow instruction for raising healthy, long-living goldfish. Visit his website to learn more about expertly raising your goldfish and to receive your FREE copy of his special report, "Fish-Keeping Hobby Secrets Revealed".

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Discus Fish - Insider Tips For Starting a Discus Aquarium Today

Keeping a Discus fish aquarium can be a battle or it can be a pleasure. Very often, it is only a battle because we fail to understand the natural needs of the fish we are keeping. Although we maintain the temperature, water conditions and lighting levels, sometimes this is just not enough. However, once we start to observe our fish and examine how they are built, and how they behave, we begin to acquire a greater insight into their requirements and can implement the changes necessary to create a thriving aquarium.

One of the most important tips for keeping Discus fish, is to be ready to act fast when problems arise. In an enclosed ecosystem, little problems spread quickly and affect the entire environment. Monitor and observe you tank on a daily basis. If you can catch a problem and fix it within 24 hours, you have a much better chance containing it.

When it comes to the internal workings of the Discus fish, most of us would choose to ignore this aspect; out of sight, out of mind. However, if we understand how the digestive system of a species works, and whether it is a herbivore or an omnivore, we can be sure to provide a suitable diet. Discus will eat a variety of foods, but this doesn't mean you should take their diet lightly. There are certain foods that can carry parasites, and these must be avoided at all costs, as they may make your fish sick. Because of this, many discus owners will not feed their fish any live food other than brine shrimp.

At the end of the day, if you take the time to learn how to treat these fish well; maintain proper water chemistry and temperature, give them a proper diet, with compatible tank mates and plenty of space, and stay on top of potential disease, you will be rewarded with an aquarium full of some of the best fish in the world.

I hope you have realized that gaining an insight into learning how Discus fish 'tick' will turn ownership of this wonderful fish into a rewarding experience. With proper knowledge, anyone can build and maintain a thriving aquarium full of Discus fish, or any other species. Good luck with your adventure!

Do you want to discover great tips on how to start a Discus fish aquarium? Do you want to keep your tank healthy and happy for years to come? Visit to find a step by step guide.

Discus Fish Health - How to Keep Your Discus Happy and Healthy For Years

Discus fish health truly has 2 main areas of concern and those are the fish's water and the discus fish's food. Of smaller concern, but worth discussing is that you must do a little analysis before you put your discus fish in with other species in your tank. They may not be good tank friends and this could cause your new pet stress.

Knowing what signs to have a look for can help enormously with discus fish health for the easy reason that treatment of sicknesses is boring and hard. It's best to do everything that you can to be preventive in your attempts at frustrating any stress causing environmental issues.

There are occasions where adding some medication to the water will solve the problem, however this is not the case almost all of the time. Your discus fish's water is like the air that we breathe as humans. Should our air be soiled and polluted, we'll develop health issues. With discus fish, you need to keep their water clean and at the right temperature and pH levels. You will need to do a partial change in the water one or more times a week changing out between twenty-five and fifty percent of the water. You should have an excellent biological filter and ensure that it stays clean.

An alternative way to be fully certain that your discus stays healthy is by utilizing and reverse osmosis filter. A reverse osmosis filter uses a little, semi-permeable surface that permits only water molecules to pass through it, filtering out minerals and trace substances which are unhealthy for the discus. When using one of these, you could have to think about adding some minerals as this removes everything except pure water and there are a few things that your fish wants.

One of the largest health concerns with discus is bugs and worms that they can develop, and their immunological systems will keep them in check till they become stressed. Observing the fecal matter of your discus fish can show symptoms of bugs or worms in your fish. White feces, clear feces are 2 signs. Apart from their feces, you can tell mostly by their behaviour. Bugs can bring about a number of observable symptoms from hiding, developing a darker color to food strikes and not eating.

Often times if a number of these symptoms happen, you can try doing a water change in the tank. Discus fish are terribly delicate to their environment and could cause them stress. If this doesn't do the job, there are medicines that you can put into the water that can help clear up any discus health issues.

Among those are metronidazole. Metro as it's known is step one in treating bugs should your discus get infected. Also common with these bugs are worms, so you must find a de-wormer to be employed in coordination with your Metro treatment.

As stated before, prevention is way easier than treatment when it comes to discus health. Following these tips, while ensuring your discus has proper nutrient elements and feeding will insure that you could have satisfied and healthy discus fish.

Evelyn Stone is a discus fish expert. Discover The ULTIMATE Guide For Discus Fish Care, Learn The Secrets How To Breed And Grow A Happy & Healthy Discus Fish!

Learn more information about Discus Fish Health, visit

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Discus Fish Diet

Feeding Discus Fish can be challenging at times. While they have no specific nutritional preferences, and can be be fed on just about any high protein fish food, they're often extremely cautious to new foods, and will go without eating for up to 4 weeks before accepting a new food.

This is obviously not very healthy, particularly not for younger fish, so the wise thing to do is to ask what they are being fed at the time of purchase, and then take things from there.

When trying to change their food, do not use the starving technique to get them to eat the new food, but rather feed them with a mix of the foods, and gradually change from one to the other.

The best thing to do is to, over time, get them used to a varied diet, rather than just sticing to one kind of food. So what kinds of food should be part of their diet?

Fish Flakes

Just about any will do - but it's better to stick to a top brand one for quality control purposes. Discus Fish prefer to be fed at mid water to bottom levels, so you may have to soak and squeeze the flake food first.


Definately a firm favorite with the discus fish, which can and should be used once daily. Make sure you use frozen irradiated worms, because there's less chance of them having parasites in them.

Brine Shrimp

Discus Fish love frozen brine shrimp, and they contain important vitamins and minerals that will enhance the colour of the discus fish, and keep them in a good overall shape. Defrost and rinse them before feeding.

Granules and Freeze Dried

On this one you're spoilt for choise, and they are all good for Discus Fish food. It's a good idea, however, to stick to the top makes (like Tetra Bits) to ensure good quality. Some of the cheaper brands can cause bloating and constpation, because they absorb water, and expand when the fish have eaten them.

Foods to avoid

Beef heart or pork heart has traditionally been fed to Discus Fish to promote good colouration and fast growth - but there's issues with feeding your discus a diet high in mammalian protein. Also, live foods should be avoided as the health risks involved in using them far outweigh the benefits.

Sticking to the menu above is well better - it's simply not worth taking the risk.

General feeding tips

As a rule of thumb - it's better to feed too little than too much - if you're not sure how much food to give. Discus Fish are slow eaters that will graze and pick at their food, and should be allowed to do so at their own pace. 5-10 minutes is usually enough for them to eat well. If they are less than that you may want to feed a bit more - but be careful not to overfeed them - because this will affect the water conditions in a negative way.

Find more advice, tips and valuable resources on how to keep Discus Fish at

Monday, November 21, 2011

Solutions for irregular water chemistry

discusCrystal water

You need to know about the solutions that you can get rid of this irregular water chemistry. To do this, you must test our water of the aquarium to maintain a stable environment for fish of the launch of the disk. Unless you test your water, you may not understand if the water is stable to launch or not. Analysis of water is important and you need to do, but in my experience, I suggest that you do not go behind these figures which are said by experienced enthusiasts. Some Aquarium read that pH should be x and hardness must be y and continually add buffers and chemicals to the water to change the pH and the hardness, resulting in wild swings in water chemistry. TO AVOID THIS! Most of the fish and even your disk can support up to a certain range of chemistry of the water, but they do not tolerate rapid changes. Maintain stable water chemistry and to keep the level optimal for your specific fish, is difficult. Several parameters are interdependent, so that if you change one, the other changes as well. Be able to manage and manipulate water chemistry to provide a stable and healthy environment is the challenge facing any Aquarium. The Cycle of nitrogen (ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate) three major water chemistry parameters are the ammonia / ammonium (NH3 / NH4 +), nitrite (NO2) - and nitrate (NO3)-. These three chemicals are important because ammonia and nitrite are both very toxic to aquatic life, even at low concentrations. Incidentally, neither one is great for us either. Nitrate, and that much less toxic than ammonia or nitrite, is toxic in high concentrations. More importantly, it is a large plant nutrient and therefore causes algal blooms.

Now a days, many products are available on the market that claim to detoxify ammonia and nitrites. These preparations are acceptable to use in an emergency, you must store these products too. As when a dead fish discus causes a huge ammonia Spike, but they are not a substitute for good filtration and rearing. These things do not actually remove nitrogenous waste of the system. they simply link to the ammonia and make it less toxic to fish. All of the nitrogen is still in the system of the other populations of algae and bacteria. There is still no substitute for biological filtration and old-fashioned good water changes. In my aquarium, I have this system of biological filtering for fish of the launch of the disk with great success.

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Breeding of fish in the drive - all you need to know!

Discus Fish Breeding and care

The disk of breeding fish can be quite a complicated process and should not really be attempted by beginners! Considered one of the most beautiful tropical fish, they require a lot of prerequisites and care to be ready to be occupied for the "King of the Aquarium!

Fish of the disk of breeding may start in two ways, one of more expensive than the other. Expensive but faster and more reliable method is to buy a pair of existing Discus which are, in the absence of a better term, consistent with the other. Or you can purchase a group of Discus - at least six is recommended - and hope that a couple will occur as they age. In addition, it is recommended to buy different varieties of Discus fish as this will help to expand the gene pool of genetics.

Keep in mind that once a pair is formed, they essentially become the dominant party and that they will claim private territory. At this stage, remove the other fish or move that torque in a special reservoir of reproduction - about 20-30 litres should be perfect. To ensure that the tank has hide stains as well as pairs of Discus will fight occasionally (as any fact couple!).

If you have the couple. Now comes the care. The disk of breeding fish requires strict regulation of the many factors - Chief among which are quality of the water and food.

At least 25% of the water in the reservoir of change twice a week-minimum. Ensure that the levels of ammonia and nitrite are virtually non-existent - is extremely important to keep the waste nitrogen as close to zero as possible. Discus are fish of acid water to maintain the levels of pH at a distance of 5-5.8 is vital. Especially when changing the water - fish Discus can go in shock if the levels change too quickly. In addition, regulation of the temperature of the water goes hand in hand with this. For fish reproductive drive, the recommended water temperature is about 82 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

The disk of breeding fish will also include many worms. Disk fish like white and black worms and feed on live prey for help in the process of reproduction. In addition, adult brine shrimp, daphnia and mosquito larvae would sufficient.

Once that spawning begins, you can expect up to 15 eggs every week or so! Usually, these will begin hatching within 48 hours. Don't worry about the preparation of food for them immediately because they feed off the coast of the Discus adult for the first days.

And this is the General overview of fish breeding Discus! Good luck and enjoy your new disk!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fish of the disk of care - you should know

Discus Fish Breeding and care

First, I'll share what I have known a few years. I was a huge fan of discus at the time, but did not really an index on the techniques of good care of the disc throwing fish . I saw a full of discus tank beautiful blue color at local aquariums and without thinking twice, I bought 10 pairs. They were expensive and I didn't even have an appropriate installation tank in my house, but nothing could prevent me to buy these fish from the start of the disk. You can imagine how crazy I was.

Shortly after inclusion in one of my biggest reservoirs of glass, I could feel that something is not right, but I couldn't figure out what's wrong. Some the discus looked like they were really uncomfortable, but I couldn't figure what to do. Two days after, I lost seven of them. Yes, seven of them died and I transferred the remaining in a smaller tank. It was a very sad day and I realized, if you do not know how to care for your fish from the disc correctly, disasters could happen very easily.

I wanted to make sure that the same mistake will not happen again. I visited the Aquarium, started to read articles online and purchased a few books on the disk to store fish local book as well. Everything I learned helped me a lot and now I know everything I need to know about the care and breeding Discus fish.

I love my drive and I am sure that you do as well, and I want to assure you that you will not make the same mistake I did. It is not possible for me to present you the guy at the local aquarium or send you some of the books that I have in my collection, but I can give you information online. What is this Web site. Everything I post here will help you learn more about the care of fish of the disk or the disk of breeding fish.

I will add new articles when I have free time (I am a web designer occupied as well..), but if you are really interested in learning everything you need to know about fish from the start of the disk, I can recommend an e-book. Believe me, even with the knowledge that I have had, I was surprised by this product and the amount of little neat tricks and tips, that I could learn from him. Try... I am sure you will enjoy it. You can check it out by clicking the following link...
The ultimate of Discus fish guide to care and breeding

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Discus aquarium 101

Discus Fish Breeding and care

Fish of the disc are a particularly special breed of fish and therefore an aquarium of the disk must be also special! Fish of the disk are very intelligent and more aware of their entourage of other fish. With this in mind, let's look at just what you need to create the perfect disk fish tank!

Fish of the disk are generally large enough that therefore naturally an aquarium of the disk must be rather sizable thus. The minimum recommended dimensions are typically 120 cm x 40 cm x 50 cm. Remember however that fish of the disk are more comfortable when with one school of the disk, which means that you may need a largest reservoir for account of the increase in the number. For a group of approximately 5, a Discus aquarium will contain approximately 55 to 90 gallons of water.

Which brings us to the quality of the water - a very important factor. A Discus aquarium should have zero ammonia and nitrite in its waters. High levels of these chemicals in disc throwing fish stress, which can cause serious health problems. Tank bred Discus in water with alkaline hard so your pH levels of the water around 7 years is recommended. A tank of fish exclusively Discus should be 20 to 40% of its water cleaned around two times per week.

Wise, recommended temperature ranges are 28 degrees Celsius for the purpose of display and approximately, 32 degrees Celsius, for purposes of reproduction. When you change the water, be sure to make sure that it is approximately at the same temperature that the fish of the disk are prone to "shock" which can lead to health problems.

Thus, the position of the aquarium of the disk is very important. Keep in mind that Discus fish is very shy and will hide when uncomfortable so keep them away from the occupied areas and the light of the Sun. Plants are a very good idea as they provide shade and a hiding spot (does not mention also be able to the pleasant to watch char)! Pieces of driftwood and the occasional rock (devoid of metal ores or contaminants!) is highly recommended as part of the natural environment of fish from the start of the disk.

Keep in mind however that Discus fish provide most aesthetic therefore keep the decor to a minimum and to deal with avoiding sets "fun" as the vessels or objects made of plastic.

Enjoy your brand new Discus fish tank - perhaps your fish like always!

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Importance of water.

Discus TankDiscus tank

When it comes to disk throwing fish care, it can be a rather complicated to make sure that your fish are healthy and happy and get everything they need, fish of the disk are not really recommended for beginners, but if you want to test, then there are some important factors you should consider when it comes to disk fish care, and one of the most important factors in the health of a fish of the disk is water.

Fish of the disc are from the Amazon, and if they are used to the warmer, more acidic water types. The ideal temperature for a water reservoir of the disk should be around 26-31 C for adult fish and fish baby of the launch of the disk and disk throwing youth, the ideal water temperature must be kept to 31 c. It is important for the soft and acidic water with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 level, and it's a level of ideal pH for the fish wild caught discus preserve their health.

Many Aquarium believe that water in a tank of fish of the disc should be changed often (it is same with any fish tank), but if you keep a well planted tank that includes adequate filtration, lighting and bottom dwelling fish to clean up the mess as discus leave behind after eating, then it should keep the tank much cleaner and clearer water for more and you can simply top up the tank every two days with RO water. When it comes to plants and other fish that you decide to keep in the water with your fish from the start of the disk, you should choose fish and plants to complement the launch of the disk, so that they are able to flourish and many do.

When it comes to disk captive fish reared, then it is possible for them to adapt to harder water which makes it bit easier care drive fish. The discus in captivity can survive in water with a pH balance of up to 6.8 (this is not appropriate if you try to breed discus however, soft, acidic water is better for livestock) when the pH balance is low, and it protects the fish from the disk against the poison of toxins (primarily ammonia) which allows throwing of disk to live in conditions that are almost the same as the conditions of the water that they have evolved from (Amazon River).

It is important to note that a pH level drops below 5 can inhibit the growth of beneficial bacteria which may exist in the filter that you provide. Therefore in regard to care of fish of the disk you should remember that the temperature and the pH balance of water is very important everything to abandon or modify the pH may cause to the start of the disk to be sick and can cause they die, which explains that it is not considered as acceptable for owners of inexperienced to handle disk of fish fishHowever, we must learn some where and if you are really interested in owning your own aquarium of the launch of the disk, so make sure you read all the information that is available on the disc throwing fish care.

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Establishment of a Discus Aquarium

You've been to every local fish store in your area. You've spent hours online looking at Discus galleries. You've started thinking of things you can sell to pay for the Discus fish and aquarium set up. You've put your couch in the garage to make room for the aquarium. It sounds like you've been bitten by the bug Discus. Now, how do you get started?

Blue DiscusA healthy Discus

There are as many opinions on how to properly raise Discus as there are websites devoted to them. You will find debates over planted tank vs. bare bottom, tap water or RO, what to feed them, how often to change the water and how much, it goes on and on. These debates contribute to making Discus keeping fun or a real bread. It really depends on your likes and dislikes. If you enjoy the excitement and challenge of learning something new and are able to successfully translate many different opinions into "what works best for you", then keeping Discus will be a fun rewarding undertaking which you can enjoy for years to come. With that being said, the following are some guidelines to what I've learned over the years and what works best for me in setting up a new Discus aquarium.

In choosing the tank, start with a minimum tank size of 50 gallons. Make sure you have a suitable place to set up your aquarium. You will want a very sturdy support for your tank which you will position in a location that doesn't receive direct sunlight. The filtration system will be made up of two extra large sponge filters run by an air pump along with an external box filter such as an Aqua Clear properly rated for your tank size and containing a pre filter sponge on the intake tube. You will need a heater with a ratio of 5watts/gallon, meaning a tank size of 50 gallons would require a 250 watt heater. The tank needs to be covered and there are hood options available when you purchase your tank. You will want one with a lighting strip as well as a cover for the tank. In a pinch you can always pick up a piece of Plexiglass from your local hardware store and cut it to fit. In order to keep the tank clean and maintained, you will need a siphon hose, a five gallon bucket and a sponge clean utility.

An absolute must is starting with healthy Discus. If you are lucky enough to have a reputable breeder in your area you are ahead of the game. If not, mail order is also an exciting option. There's a real rush and excitement to having Discus delivered to your front door. Make sure to research any online vendor you may want to order from. There are some great breeders out there with a great selection. On the downside shipping usually runs from $50-$ 75 depending on the service. If mail order isn't an option and you are left with your local fish store you'll need to take some precautions and do your best to pick out healthy fish. If possible try to find a shop that specializes in higher end tropical fish and avoid chain stores. Find out what the shop's quarantine and guarantee policies are. Ask them how long the Discus should be quarantined once you get them home. If their answer is "you don't need to", this is a major red flag. Ask questions to get a feel for how well they support and care for their product.

When you walk by the tank, the fish should be active and come up to greet you. Avoid fish that are dark, hiding or hanging behind uplift tubes. The water in the tank and the tank itself should look clear and clean. If there are dead fish in the tank keep walking. Now, (if you haven't left the store) look at the fish, they should have a full body that doesn't look sunken and is free of scrapes, bumps, visible injuries and or parasites. The body shape should have a nice round appearance void of bent, stubbed details and flat foreheads. Check the skin and make sure it doesn't have a dull, matte, or slimy look to it. The purposes should look healthy and not have a cottony or milky appearance. The fine should be intact with no white specs or splits and not be clamped to the body. The Discus should be using both pectoral purposes to move about. Watch for how the fish are breathing. An overly rapid gill rate or if the Discus looks to be gasping is a good sign of parasitic gill. The fishes movement should be fluent and have no problem with balance. You don 't want to pick a fish that can' t hold level itself. The eyes of your Discus should have a healthy clean look to them. The eyes are a good indicator of how well it's been taken care of. You will want a fish with small eyes compared to its body with a pupil centered. Big or bulging eyes are usually a sign of neglect. Ask to see the Discus eat. Be wary if they feed live blood worms or tubiflex worms. Watch to make sure the fish are able to easily get the food into their mouth. Avoid fish that continually miss the food that is right in front of them or don't seem interested in eating. Most 2? - 3? Discus wont have full body color or pattern at this size.

For the proposed 50 gallon setup you will want to purchase from six to ten, two - three inch juvenile Discus. Young Discus like the security of numbers. Make sure you follow standard procedures and that your tank is fully maybe acclimation as stated above. As your fish grow mature and a pecking order will develop. Eventually the smaller weaker Discus will need to be removed in order to keep a 10 gallon to 1 Discus rule. In order to provide an easy way to keep a clean environment environment for your new fish, use a bare aquarium. That means gravel No. or plants. The bare bottom tank makes it easy to vacuum fish waste and wipe down the glass. If you'd like, you can add a ceramic pot or two to give your Discus an anchor to establish territories but the pots will need to be moved and wiped down with your water changes to ensure they aren can't trapping waste. Once a week you will want to clean your pre filter and every few weeks, your sponge and box filters, being careful to use de-chlorinated water as to not harm the beneficial bacteria. A good tip here is to siphon some tank water into your five gallon bucket and use that for your filter cleaning water.

Clean water is a crucial element in growing out your fish. You will want to match the water conditions as closely as possible to that of the source of your Discus. Daily exchange rates of 50 to 60 percent is recommended and at least one year every other day schedule. You will want to provide new tap water that has been de-chlorinated and matches closely to the tank water in temperature at 84 degrees. Avoid using RO water for young Discus, they need the minerals of harder water to aid in development there. Once they have matured and if you're interested in breeding them you can dabble with softening their water. If you have purchased Discus from different places you will need to keep them quarantined separately for 4-6 weeks. Don't Cheat!

Your new Discus should greet you at the front of the tank with a voracious appetite. Happy healthy Discus are always hungry. You will want to break up their feedings over several times during the day adding up to six small feedings. Feed a variety of foods using quality brands of dry and frozen foods. A good tip is to feed dry foods which your fish may not like as much early when they're hungry from their overnight fast. Feed messy or frozen foods later in the day closer to your water changes.

The Discus hobby is a great one. It has its ups and downs just like anything. If you enjoy not only the beauty of the fish but actually watching their behavior, growth and and interaction, Discus keeping will stick with you. There's a lot to learn and this is just a small start. Make sure you do a lot of reading and ask lots of questions. Start with healthy Discus, keep their water and tank very clean, feed them well, and you're sure to succeed!

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Video of reproduction for the fish of the disk

Discus Fish Breeding and care

We have managed to find a quality video of reproduction of the Discus fish 'You Tube'. We have integrated the video below for you. Please see the.

On video: Discus fish video reproduction showing female laying eggs and the male of fertilization (turq blue female and male cobalt). Place original-loader, the dimensions of the tank used in this video are,

Enjoy video disk of breeding fish...

If you are a lover of Discus and made similar videos that you would like to publish on this Web site, please send an e-mail to and we will post it here as soon as possible.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Exotic Fish

Executive Summary About Exotic Fish By Joseph Devine

exotic fish Gold Fish

Many people find a tank full of swimming exotic fish to be a soothing, erudite addition to the house, and the collecting of such fish can be a great hobby. Many of the most attractively appointed fish tanks feature animals that aren’t native to one another, and fish, unlike dogs, are never going to be truly domesticated. Fish tanks are always going to be a matter of Survival of the Fittest, and if you’re not prepared for the eventuality of fish eating one another, an aquarium probably isn’t right for you.

Ocean-dwelling fish require sea water to live, whereas freshwater fish will die in such an environment. Understand the nitrogen cycle and how it affects your fish. The general rule of thumb is that a tank can support 3 cm of adult fish per every 4 litres of water (1 inch of adult fish per gallon), or 1 cm of adult fish per 30 square cm of surface area (1 inch of adult fish per 12 square inches of surface area).

Executive Summary About Exotic Fish By Michael C Logan

More often than not people tend to think that it is very easy to keep fish. Before you buy exotic fish you must prepare for them. Make sure the aquarium is either well lit or has a little bit of sun light available for temperature control of the water. Your fish will inevitably turn out unhappy in such circumstances. Do not wait until you bring home the fish to make theses preparation. You must buy basic aquarium material as well. By this I mean by a good enough fish tank with plenty of swimming space for the fish. You can install heaters if you live in very cold places.

Once the fish have been bought and shifted into the aquarium buy suitable fish food for them. You cannot take a chance with the water the fish are going to live in. a slight infection could kill the fish. Do not starve your fish. You must clean the aquarium often. Read intensively on fish before you purchase them.

Executive Summary About Exotic Fish By Paula McGill

The purchase of an exotic fish and the maintenance of its environment is a simple and recognized as being effective in breaking the monotony of solitary life. The purchase of an exotic fish is a solution increasingly being offered by various psychologists, counselors and coaches influenced by the art of Feng Shui. Indeed, in addition to recognizing the relaxing properties of an aquarium in the house and the movements of fish that inhabit it, they argue that it is beneficial for people living alone to take care of the fishes habitat. Everything is important, the choice of fish, the diversity of their color, their rarity and compatibility, the choice of plants, temperature and pH of the water, objects of maintenance, etc.. Over time the novice will want a more complex setup with more tropical fishes and plants, his study of the aquarium will then have to be perfected. The choice of fish, their compatibility, the plants and sea anemones are more complex and he must somehow become a specialist to take care of the world he creates.

Check out my other guide on Freshwater Fishing. Thank you for reading my article about Exotic Fish.

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Magasin de poissons

Executive summary on the store of fish by Jason Gluckman

Here are some things you should look for in a fish pet store.

Common fish for pets and more. Some red fish are not a fish pet store. Search for pet stores that sell varieties such as guppies Fancy, Koi, Betta fish, Angel, Molliénésie, Oscars, cichlids African, fish and even eels, Piranhas and sharks. All kinds of fish food. You want that your fish pet store is your one-stop shop for all the needs of fish, especially food. Remember that different kinds of fish have different dietary requirements. Don't buy large quantities of fish feed because they tend to lose the nutritional content over time. The store should even be liquid and freezing of food for baby fish.

A fish pet store must also wear accessories of reservoir based on fish and furniture, filters, air pumps, cartridges, water pumps, broadcasters, tubes, heaters and chillers, to name a few. If you think that it is easy to have a pet of fish, think again.

Executive summary on fish by Jodi Damelio store

When you arrive in the local fish store, you will be greeted with a huge amount of fish, corals, invertebrates, sponges, the feather dusters and much more. Your first visit to the fish store will not be short, it is imperative that carefully inspect you their tanks. If they have a display tank look at how it is maintained, ask you a few questions. There are algae in their display tank? Are there fish in the tank? If there is a dead fish in the tanks that you see on foot and to say to someone so quickly that they do not remove dead fish, you should leave and never return. Dead tank fish do not always mean in the tank, there is disease, sometimes fish come not in good health, but a great fish them store will remove the minute they are.

Executive summary on the store of fish by Penelope Darcy

Take care of the fish is a popular hobby around the world. Are too different stores aimed only at the "aqua community" by selling only products of aquatic resources. Aquariums, marine fish, freshwater fish, fillers (plants and scenery) aquarium and filters are some examples of these products.

If you are in the fish trade, mainly because you like fishes, own a fish shop is something to consider. When you configure your very own fish pet store, you can start a new facility from scratch or you can buy a fish existing store. Make sure that potential employees for your fish store (and yourself) have sufficient knowledge of how to take care of each of the types of fish that you plan on selling. Only, make sure that your fish store carries quality products to maintain a regular customer. Having close ties with a client can help your store of fish grow very successful.

Find out my other guide about freshwater fishing. Please read my article on the fish store.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Freshwater plants

Summary on freshwater by Janis Evangelio plants

What better way to do this but add live plants of freshwater. It will certainly be animate the display of your tank. Apart from having a great looking tank, it has many advantages for fish. Live plants play an important role when placed in an aquarium.

Here are a few reasons cared, why you should choose freshwater plants:

Fish need oxygen. Live plants undergo photosynthesis and oxygen is a by-product of this process.Balance of nitrogen.Set apart by using carbon dioxide, they conceal nitrogen concentrations in your tank.Hiding place. Freshwater plants can also be a good breeding ground for your fish.Food.It is a good source of fish for fish food, provided that they do not have overcapacity and bite from the leaves.Anchors the substrate.Balance algae.Indicators of health.Imbalance in the water chemistry is likely to affect the plants first before your fish.

Summary on freshwater by Assistant Paul plants

As the fish in your aquarium, your freshwater plants also requires attention and care. This article will understand why the choice to have underwater plants is a wise decision. Nitrite accumulation is a common concern in the most water tank. The addition of live plants will be elevated to nitrite. Because plants consume carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, they can be a source of continuous ventilation of your aquarium. Of course, another role of plants is the aesthetic appeal. Adding plants to your aquarium will make more living and interesting. As the plants are growing, you can have a more attractive fish tank.

One of the requirements to preserve plants is substrates. This will allow nutrition for your plants. However, the requirement of exposure to the Sun varies people plants. In summary, freshwater plants are easy to maintain.

Summary on freshwater by Rozlyn Rozberry plants

There are 5 types of commonly available plants that you can place in your freshwater aquarium. Bulb plants, in General, fairly significant growth and are not suitable for aquariums of water fresh standard sizes. Some species of fish really love the floating plants. Fairy Moss and Riccia are two instances of floating of plant species. The rhizome grows across the surface of the substrate, the germination of new segments of leaves and roots. Comparable to a Crown in its growth, the style rosette plant offers several attractive varieties. Foam Java is a popular choice for freshwater plants. Water Wisteria is another plant which is an excellent choice for the inexperienced Aquarium wishing to have success in the maintenance of living plants. This fast-growing plant to control algae by removing nitrate in water with its appetite for nutrients.

To be careful in the selection of the rapid growth of plants to your aquarium well; they can control the development of algae, but they can also restrict the growth of other plants as well! Anubias nana is another hearty plant which you must absolutely check. It is a beautiful plant can flower under water. Be slow growth of plants with large leaves, they fortunately are not a delicacy for herbivores; However, algae, beard algae especially, can submit questions. No doubt one of the most sought after factory of available freshwater. With live plants and freshwater Aquascaping will add a new touch to your aquatic masterpiece.

Find out my other guide about freshwater fishing. Please read my article on freshwater plants.

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Neon Tetra Fish

Executive Summary About Neon Tetra Fish By Sara Le

neon tetra fish Tetra Fish

Neon Tetra Fish, otherwise known as neon tetras, are among the most popular of all tropical fish. In the wild, neon tetras originated in the tropical waters of South America. Neon tetras are schooling fish and need to live together in multiple numbers. The perfect number of neon fish to keep would be a group of around fifteen. Don’t put neon fish in with any sort of aggressive fish, or they will be quickly eaten. Most people have some trouble breeding neon fish in their tank environments. The water temperature cannot be above 75 degrees. The eggs of neons are sensitive to light so they need to have their breeding tank placed in a darkish spot before spawning takes place. Two or three days before breeding, give the neons live food to eat. As soon as you do identify eggs, remove the breeders from the tank.

Executive Summary About Neon Tetra Fish By Nero L

The Neon Tetra Fish (Paracheirodon innesi) is a freshwater fish of the characin family (family Characidae). The neon tetra fish has a light-blue back over a silver-white abdomen. The neon tetra has an iridescent blue horizontal stripe along each side of the fish from its nose to the base of the adipose fin. Wild Neon Tetras are omnivore and feed on plant matter as well as on crustaceans, worms and small insects. They are not fuzzy eaters in the aquarium and will accept most flake foods, but should also have some small foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms, tubiflex, and micro pellet food to supplement their diet.

The Neon Tetra Fish originates from westerns Brazil, south-eastern Columbia and eastern Peru and wild Neon Tetras can be found in the headwaters of the River Amazon, Tiger, Napo and Yarapa. Today, an introduced population of Neon Tetra is established in Singapore. The commercially bred Neon Tetras have adapted well to a wide range of water conditions. The recommended pH range for the Neon Tetras is between 5.0 – 7.0 and the recommended dH range is 1 – 2.

Executive Summary About Neon Tetra Fish By Steve Challis

A Fish with Extraordinary Breeding Behavior. Other common names it has been called include “Splash Tetra”, “Jumping Characin”, “Spraying Tetra”, “Arnolds Splashing Tetra” and “Spraying Characin”.

Water Conditions. The Splashing Tetra’s natural habitat is warm tropical.

Food. The preferred food of the Splashing Tetra is small live food, including aquatic insect larvae and Daphnia. They will also eat most normal aquarium fish foods and frozen bloodworms.

The Splashing Tetra is happy with other small peaceful fish like Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Green Neon Tetras, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Cherry Barbs, Penguin Tetras, Pristella Tetras and Glowlight Tetras. I would be a little more cautious about putting them with slightly more aggressive fish like Red Eye Tetras, Silvertip Tetras, Gold Barbs, Rummy Nose Tetras, Scissortail Rasboras, Lemon Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Head and Tail Light Tetras, Glass Bloodfin Tetras, Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, Zebra Danios, Black Widow Tetras, Rosy Barbs, Tiger Barbs, Paraguay Tetras, Buenos Aires Tetras Colombian Tetras; although these may well be all right with Splashing Tetras. The males grow a little bigger than the females.

Breeding. The Breeding behavior of the Splashing Tetra is extraordinary. The female lays some eggs while the male fertilizes them. The fish drop off.

Check out my other guide on Freshwater Fish Aquariums.

Thank you for reading my article about Neon Tetra Fish.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Executive Summary About Tetra By Steve Challis

tetra Tetra Fish

The “Blind Cave Tetra”, “Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus”, is a very unusual fish. There are several other common names for the Blind Cave Tetras, these include: the “Blind Cave Fish”, the “Mexican Tetras”, and the “Silvery Tetras”. Over many generations the fish without eyes replaced the fish with eyes and the new sub species was formed. The Blind Cave tetra is not considered a separate species from the fish that stayed on the surface and kept their eyes. Blind Cave Tetras can take quite high levels of hardness in the water. The Blind Cave tetras are very easily fed omnivore. Some sources describe the Blind Cave Tetras as being peaceful. I would definitely avoid putting them with small fish like Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras as well as slow moving long finned fish like Siamese Fighting Fish, Guppies and Endlers Guppies.

Fish more suited to be companions for Blind Cave Tetras are: Red EyeTetras, Silvertip Tetras, Gold Barbs, Cherry Barbs, Pristella Tetras, Rummy Nose Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Scissortail Rasboras, Lemon Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Head and Tail Light Tetras, Glass Bloodfin Tetras, Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, Zebra Danios, Glowlight Tetras, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Black Widow Tetras, Rosy Barbs, Tiger Barbs, Paraguay Tetras, Penguin Tetras, Buenos Aires Tetras and Colombian Tetras, as well as the Corydoras catfish like the Peppered Catfish.

Some people keep Blind Cave Tetras in an unheated aquarium with Goldfish, Rosy Barbs and other suitable fish. Do not put the Blind Cave Tetras with large or predatory fish like the larger cichlids or Great White Sharks.

The Diamond Tetras, Moenkhausia pittieri, is a peaceful little fish from Venezuela. Other common names are the Monk Tetras and the Moenk tetras. The water where this tetra comes from is soft. I have never had any trouble with this fish in our moderately hard water. The ideal food for the diamond Tetra is aquatic larvae and small crustaceans like Daphnia, but it will take all normal fish foods. Like many fish, they love frozen bloodworms.

The Diamond Tetras are strongly schooling fish, and I suggest that at least 6 be kept together. A school of Diamond Tetras should be all right with a very wide range of small fish, including: Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Green Neon Tetras, White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Cherry Barbs, Penguin Tetras, PristellaTetras, Glowlight Tetras, Red EyeTetras, Silvertip Tetras, Gold Barbs, Rummy Nose Tetras, Scissortail Rasboras, Lemon Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Head and Tail Light Tetras, Glass Bloodfin Tetras, Swordtails, Platies, Mollies, Zebra Danios, Black Widow Tetras, Rosy Barbs, Tiger Barbs, Paraguay Tetras, Buenos Aires Tetras and Colombian Tetras They would probably also be OK with Siamese Fighting Fish, Guppies and Endlers Guppies.

The Flame Tetras Hyphessobrycon flammeus is an attractive, peaceful little fish. Other common names for this fish are the Red Tetra The Fire Tetra and the Von Rio Tetras. The Flame Tetras sold in aquarium shops are bred in captivity so buying this fish is not endangering wild stocks.

Water Conditions. A moderate amount of hardness does not seem to bother this fish, so it is an excellent fish for a mixed community tank of small fish.

Food. Like most fish, the Flame Tetra is an omnivore. Live food is especially good for conditioning the fish for breeding.

Companions. A few of the many suitable companions for this fish are Rummynose Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Lemon Tetras, Neon Tetras, Black Widow Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Emperor Tetras, Head and Tail Light Tetras, Glass Bloodfin Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Guppies, Endlers Guppies, Neon Tetras, Peppered Catfish, Siamese Fighting Fish, White Cloud Mountain Minnows and Zebra Danios.

Breeding. The Flame Tetra is one of the easier tetras to breed. The female Flame Tetra can lay 200-300 eggs over fine leaved plants.

Note that the eggs of this fish need darkness for hatching.

Check out my other guide on Freshwater Fish Aquarium. Thank you for reading my article about Tetra.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

Flower Horn Fish

Executive Summary About Flower Horn Fish By Quintos Macon

Have you seen a flower horn fish? The flowerhorn has a characteristic hump on the top of its head. This unusual features of the flowerhorn adds to its charms. The flowerhorn cichlids has become one of the favorites of aquarists to care for. There are different kinds of flowerhorn fish. The flowerhorn sale was at its highest in the early 2000. The hump on the fish?s head has been associated to the Chinese God of Longevity, Shou Xing. The markings on the sides of the flowerhorn fish, on the other hand, resemble the Chinese characters and numbers. And in some rare occasions, they resemble the character for luck.

There were some occasions in the past where flower horn fish owners attributed their good fortune on the fish. A woman won the lottery. Indeed the association between flower horn fish and of the great fortune some owners have amassed while caring for the fish is still an issue of dispute, there is no denying that the flowerhorn fish is becoming the favorite of many aquarists.

Executive Summary About Flower Horn Fish By Irvin Colby W Craig

If you ever had a chance to take a glimpse on the prettiness of a flower horn fish, a realization will then be developed in your mind that this species of fish is made to have a say in the augmentation and increase of natural developments in the environmental settings. Flowerhorn cichlid is a strong fish and is noted with its attractive appearance. Numerous flowerhorn cichlids are considered food fishes for which they can thrive in tropical places.. This kind of fish can’t be reserved with its similar sex. Mostly, flowerhorn cichlid is used in breeding. Among its many breeds is the Kamfa Flowerhorn.

As we’ve been discussing about the different breeds of a flower horn fish, what’s very common and known today is its red flowerhorn species whose scales are blue and has a huge body. They are comfortable in larger fish tanks which could provide them a wider environment. Also quoted as “Red Texas Cichlids”, the red flowerhorns are not only fine aquarium ornaments but they are also very good source of nutrients considering that they are very popular as food for the Texan community. The red cichlids are also famous to be sports fish. In developing countries, over 500 million people depend on fisheries.

Executive Summary About Flower Horn Fish By Tyra Thadeus C Woods

Flowerhorn cichlid fish mating dates from 1993 and is actually from the Cichlid family, that is normally seen in South America. It had been created subsequently after careful picky breeding by fish breeders in Malaysia. Because of more intense passion of breeders to create the finest show top quality fish for the market, superior quality flowerhorn sale fish aren’t unlikely to obtain.

Several find the Flower horn fish to be a perfect selection of fish because of its lovely physical qualities. A number of Flower horn fish can develop to 30 centimeters (12 inches) in length and approximately 3kg (6.6 pounds) in weight. Various other Flowerhorn fish holders has mentioned that they can even escape with serving them pellet or tablet fish feed, possibly breadcrumbs may also be accepted. The kamfa flowerhorn is an extremely sturdy fish and is relatively simple to care.

Check out my other guide on Freshwater Fish Aquariums.

Thank you for reading my article about Flower Horn Fish.

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The aquarium store

By Mike Terry

The aquarium stores are very practical for any Aquarium who wants to keep seafood both at home and at work. It is here that you get a wide range of products of the sea of tanks and simultaneously get all modules needed to build an appropriate ecosystem. A couple of store aquarium also sell manuals and books on seafood, keeping that can be very useful for novice and experienced that as.

When you arrive in a fish tank store that you will have the option of choosing whether if own aquarium empty or even the ready to install aquarium. You can also consider finding sphere aquariums or half round aquariums, and popular standard glass tanks that are box form or formed Bowl.

You will find a number of ways that should allow you to determine if a store of fish tank is pleasant or otherwise. The first factor you must be aware of every time that you enter in the aquarium store is perhaps general maintenance. If you see the store aquarium you will appears to have dirty aquariums, aquariums without water or underserved stores, that it is advisable to avoid the purchase later. In these conditions, you are likely to become given healthy seafood.

You must have the ability to learn a lot of employees in the store of the aquarium. They can provide you with advice about what size aquarium with the types of seafood, that you must keep. Try asking a couple of queries widespread seafood, maintenance and just how to consider the care of fish when they fall ill. When the employee that you are talking about is not too well informed, this could be an indication to look elsewhere.

It could be an option smart spending a time in a couple of the aquarium stores to ensure that you can acquire a better concept of all the options open to you. You must remember that you will we hope to build a long-term relationship and need to find a reliable aquarium store.

You have some work to do simple home seafood aquarium keep just before going to the the aquarium store, could save you lot of time on that watch for and what you really need.

If you buy seafood of any particular store the first time, then you definitely need to carefully inspect the aquariums and find out when the fish in the tank are happy and healthy. A good way to know when the fish are active is also simple placing his finger right in front of the tank. When they are very active, that they you go swimming to wait for your finger to become food. It is generally a great sign. Do not buy fish the individuals that remain near the foot of the reservoir and show lethargy.

When store aquarium you will a lot more of ten tanks of seafood and its quite normal to locate a couple of dead sea or old fruit. However, this will not go ahead and be considered as a regular presence in most of the tanks. Take serious note, if you are in a position of how goalie store or other assistants feed on seafood. This can often reveal whether or not they have the expertise to examine the care of seafood or otherwise.

When you create the ultimate choice what store aquarium use best base your final decision that it will help you in taking care of seafood with the general maintenance of the aquarium.

Find out my other guide about tropical fish. Please read my article on the store of the Aquarium.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Breeding Discus fish - Simple tips that will help you breed Discus fish easily

One of the most popular aquarium fish in the world is at the start of the disk. Research has shown that fish from the disk with very extensive social customs, it is why it may be also picky on which mate with fish. The launch of the disk, which prefers live in groups, originated in the Amazon (and its tributaries). Therefore, if you want your own Aquarium, be sure to buy more than one disk.

It might be a little difficult to reproduce discus since they are picky on which they mate with, require temperatures stipulated for egg laying, and very clean water. If you plan on doing so at home, keep to a series of advice on fish reproduction of the launch of the disk:

# 1. Get a big (about 10 gallons in size) water tank so that you will be able to keep at least 4 disk within it. Your disk will be very unhappy if it does not have at least several companions! It would be wise to have two of each gender.

# 2. An additional suggestion on fish reproduction of the disk would be to attach a thermometer on the tank, this will help to maintain a uniform temperature. To breed your fish from the start of the disk, it must be 80 degrees in the tank.

# 3. You must always ensure that the water in your tank is clean. Periodic changes of the same can be called for if you feed your fish a little more than necessary. Never forget that the discus prefer to breed in water.

# 4. As soon as you can see a pair of a zone in the reservoir of disk cleanup, it is a sure sign that they will be reproduction set. Take this pair of fish and place them in a small water tank so that they can lay their eggs. In addition, the eggs will be fertilized by two fish, so you must allow to reside in the reservoir of small for some time.

Here are some tips on fish reproduction of the launch of the disk. If you want to learn of other secrets of reproduction and self-help for fish of the launch of disk, click here.

Discus fish reproduction - simple ways to breed your fish

Simple ways to breed your fish

The more fascinating that you can keep is at the start of the disk. Of course, this is just my opinion.These magnificent creatures are very expensive and can cost several hundred dollars for a single fish. Personally, I find this as a crazy price on disk label and I never someone pay recommends more $ 70 for a single adult. In Michigan, that's where I have my store of the aquarium. The current price on disk is approximately $ 45 for a young and about 70 dollars, on top of range for an adult. With the high price of disk throwing, I would like to give you a few secrets that will make you save money on your fish because when you make these tips properly you may never need to buy another disk once more.

The next step

Keep an aquarium disk is an explosion however there is more than a hobby. Same knows I like taking care of my disk, their reproduction is the next level of hobby. It is fun and is also a great way to save money on the cost of the fish. Disk of reproduction can be difficult, but with some appropriate advice, it can be a real experience easy. When you care to start the disk, you know how much fish can be. That is why a reproduction is extremely popular with fans of launch disk. Discus are ranchers and in some cases they will breed in your main tank without even knowing. This will eventually be a nice surprise, so be very careful, if you think that this has happened. You will see FRY swimming around in a few weeks.

Time to start

I would like to show you a few ways to start your process of breeding Discus fish. I'll show the easy and cheap option and also the least expensive method to use. The easy option is to buy a pair of breeding. When to buy a pair of breeding tell your dealer you are interested. They give you a few options and price information to start. Dealers and people inconvenient not to spend money prefer this route of the fact, you can have fish start mating in a few days.The only disadvantage is that this method is very expensive. Mating pairs are expensive costs between $ 200 to $ 300 for the pair.

You want to use the following option to save money on fees of reproduction. With this option, you purchase a group of at least 6 juveniles of the launch of the disk. In this method that you are jumping the sexes of fish will be different. This is not a hundred percent guaranteed. I can say that although this method has never failed me in the establishment of new tanks and I sue it all the time. I would definitely recommend this option for someone who is only starting to implement their new aquarium.


With some time in your main tank that you begin to notice that the mating pair is going to be. The discus as establish the territory in the aquarium to you. When you see two fish defend against their other companions of char that they are getting ready to reproduce. Keep an eye on this because these two fish will become MOM and dad. It is now time to move both in the breeding tank. A breeding tank is a separate tank of main tank where you keep your fish... In the reproduction of fish from the start of the disk, it is advisable to have at least a 20 gallon for two fish tank.

We need to set up breeding tank

You want to keep your stress free drive during the exchange of tank. Use your main tank water to fill the "breeding of Discus fish tank." This will maintain the pH level that your fish are also used. Don't forget to leave the bottom of the clear breeding tank. You do not want to have the rocks or gravel on the bottom of the tank. There is reason, making this step. You want to make it as easy as possible to remove food debris and the remains. The unique décor which is necessary is a vertical surface for their eggs. "Disk aquarium fish" lay their eggs and the fish of the Angel.

These two types of fish prefer to lay their eggs with a vertical surface. You have many options for vertical surfaces. Most people go for the easy defeat and use either a plant as a java Fern. I like to do is use a ceramic pot returned upside. When you think that your tank looks a little bare, I advise to a potted plant in a corner to give your disc a shelter. All the same if this is unnecessary, remember this trick if your fish to feel stressed. Another key fish of the launch of the disk, reproductive process is filtration. I use a sponge for the biological load file server more I would like to use small power as bag filter well and put a bit of peat moss in the back to maintain the level of pH under control.

Simplest Discus and the largest fish-of-art reproduction

Keep in mind the Discus fish tank is usually much smaller than your original tank. It is crucial that you remeber this fact. Check the breeding tank regularly for ammonia and the temperature of the water points. Check the water every day and clean up the waste out of it every day. This practice is very imperative in the reproduction of fish from the start of the disk. Discus are very particular about their conditions of water where they breed. When the quality of your water is poor fish, not even attempt to mate.

About the author.

Steve Jones is a guardian of fish expert and has an aquarium shop in Northern Michigan. Discover the that more advanced Discus fish Secrets of reproduction [] [].

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tips of care of the disc

Care of the disc is not really as sensitive that many people are in truth, is owner of and take care of the launch of the disk are extremely pleasant experience, especially with good familiarity with methods to take care of your disk. Fish of the disk will be often be called "the Kings of the aquarium" and for good reason. They are elegant, regal, spectacular, dynamic and stimulating. They already understood a bit of a reputation for being difficult to keep; fish This is necessarily true, in fact keeping the disk is very pleasant and with care than a bit in the appropriate fields, you will have a very full aquarium of happy and healthy from the start of the disk. A few important things to keep in mind are appropriate Setup aquarium, diet of the launch of the disk and how to prevent diseases of the launch of the disk. In addition, it is important to take into account the objective of your tank; It will be a discus display aquarium or that it will be more than a reservoir of reproduction.

Behavior of the disk

As any owner proud to launch the disk is fully aware of, unlike several other tropical fish to avoid contact with people, disk throwing fish tend to be curious and friendly. A keen awareness of their environment is very obvious that they frequently observe their owners to move around the room and often they are not even watching television movement. Because they are naturally friendly and sympathetic, fish of the disk will recognize and dash also welcome you as you approach the tank and even eat right your hand. Their open and trusting nature is that the reason people love these great fish. Fish of the disk will also live a hierarchical society with a fish alpha being the leader. The dominant fish is generally the largest and will also be the first to eat and mate

Companions for Discus tank

This essential part and very often neglected the disk fish care will make the difference between a happy, active disk throwing fish and a neurotic stress manage a fish. Like many people; disk throwing fish can be quite fussy about who they live with, so it is essential to obtain good friends for your disk. Seeing that the fish of the disk will be really calm and peaceful, you come to be bullied by other types of large or aggressive fish. Angel of freshwater is an example. Therefore it is wise to plan wisely for tank companions you wish to add to the aquarium. It is also important not to overload the aquarium, fish of the disk are pleased to be kept in small groups and can get upset if their tank is too small or too populated. A few fish that can be adapted to live with disk are listed below:

-Emerald catfish
-Royal Cnemidophorus
-Barb black Ruby
-Dwarf Loach
-Tetra (my recommendation personal neon and Cardinal Tetras Rummy look great)
-African Butterfly fish
-Other small cichlids
- And many other types of fish of the launch of the disk.

Feeding of fish of the disk

Discus are actually prefers to eat small meals, it is preferable feed their small meals more often, rather than a big meal fish from daily drive, once adults should be feed two or three times a day, while the young discus really should feed about 5 times a day. Discus overfeeding is generally a serious issue, their body shape and the fact that their bladder is just above their stomach is the reason why they they do not well deal with more power.If you take into account these tips of care of the disc and then you will have a full healthy and happy discus tank.

Want to know more on the care of the launch of the disk, and then head to head and then to, where you will find lots of great information on all aspects of taking care of the launch of the disk, including a great article on the setting of the aquarium to launch the disk .