When it comes to disk throwing fish care, it can be a rather complicated to make sure that your fish are healthy and happy and get everything they need, fish of the disk are not really recommended for beginners, but if you want to test, then there are some important factors you should consider when it comes to disk fish care, and one of the most important factors in the health of a fish of the disk is water.
Fish of the disc are from the Amazon, and if they are used to the warmer, more acidic water types. The ideal temperature for a water reservoir of the disk should be around 26-31 C for adult fish and fish baby of the launch of the disk and disk throwing youth, the ideal water temperature must be kept to 31 c. It is important for the soft and acidic water with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 level, and it's a level of ideal pH for the fish wild caught discus preserve their health.
Many Aquarium believe that water in a tank of fish of the disc should be changed often (it is same with any fish tank), but if you keep a well planted tank that includes adequate filtration, lighting and bottom dwelling fish to clean up the mess as discus leave behind after eating, then it should keep the tank much cleaner and clearer water for more and you can simply top up the tank every two days with RO water. When it comes to plants and other fish that you decide to keep in the water with your fish from the start of the disk, you should choose fish and plants to complement the launch of the disk, so that they are able to flourish and many do.
When it comes to disk captive fish reared, then it is possible for them to adapt to harder water which makes it bit easier care drive fish. The discus in captivity can survive in water with a pH balance of up to 6.8 (this is not appropriate if you try to breed discus however, soft, acidic water is better for livestock) when the pH balance is low, and it protects the fish from the disk against the poison of toxins (primarily ammonia) which allows throwing of disk to live in conditions that are almost the same as the conditions of the water that they have evolved from (Amazon River).
It is important to note that a pH level drops below 5 can inhibit the growth of beneficial bacteria which may exist in the filter that you provide. Therefore in regard to care of fish of the disk you should remember that the temperature and the pH balance of water is very important everything to abandon or modify the pH may cause to the start of the disk to be sick and can cause they die, which explains that it is not considered as acceptable for owners of inexperienced to handle disk of fish fishHowever, we must learn some where and if you are really interested in owning your own aquarium of the launch of the disk, so make sure you read all the information that is available on the disc throwing fish care.
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