Many people feel that discus fish is one of the most attractive fish in their aquariums. There are other beautiful varieties like cichlid or clown loach but if you just have a look at the pricing, you will notice the difference. Discus fish are most expensive than these varieties of fish, usually costing from $250 onwards.
So if you learn how to breed them, you can proudly present them in the aquarium and also can sell them to the local pet shop in exchange of fish food or aquarium supplies. This is the next step after keeping discus fish at home. It is not simple but it is not complicated either. Read carefully the following tips for the successful breeding of discus fish -
1. The first step is to set up an environment conducive to their breeding. There are two options. The first option is to speak to the staff of your local pet fish store to get some tips. They can also supply you a mating couple. That is an easy one. It is faster and the chances of success will be very high. Usually the prizes for such couples can range from $300 to $500.
2. You can go for another option of buying half a dozen juvenile discus fish and then breed them once they grow. It is not an easy process neither it guarantees the success but you will enjoy it thoroughly.
3. You should put all these fish into one separate tank which you can call 'breeding tank'. It should be independent of the main tank where you keep all other varieties of fish. This tank can be of the capacity of 20 gallons at least for a couple. Based on this formula, if you want to introduce more numbers, you can increase the size of this tank.
4. While filling this tank, use the water from the main tank which is already treated. If you use freshwater, the fish may develop stress. They will be comfortable with the same quality of water.
5. You should keep the bottom of the tank clear. You should not put any docs or gravel there. Discus fish may create a lot of waste which will be accumulate at the bottom of the tank. To clean it up easily, you should keep the tank filled with treated water only. The only thing which the fish will need is a vertical surface which will help them for spawning.
6. Discus fish will lay their eggs on the vertical surface. You can provide such a surface by even putting in the tank a ceramic pot upside down.
7. If you feel that your fish are stressed, you can add a couple of plants providing them a place for hiding.
8. Always use a powerful filter for maintaining the conditions of water in the tank. You should check the ph levels of the water frequently so that the quality of water is kept conducive for breeding.
9. A very important thing to remember about breeding of discus fish is cleaner conditions of water. The fish will not breed if there are spikes of ammonia in the water or the temperature is fluctuating. You should also keep a watch on the cleanliness of the water. It is recommended that you clean the tank every day so that all the dirt and waste is removed quickly.
10. After successful breeding, you should remove the adults from the tank. The fry should be kept independently in the tank. There may be some parasites on the body of the adults and they may be harmful for the new ones. You should also provide a good nutrition to keep the new ones healthy and help them grow faster.
Chintamani Abhyankar is a goldfish enthusiast and has been raising and breeding goldfish for many years. He is an expert on their care and an advocate for raising healthy goldfish the natural way. His famous digital book, "Secrets on Keeping Beautiful Goldfish", offers simple, easy to follow instruction for raising healthy, long-living goldfish. Visit his website to learn more about expertly raising your goldfish and to receive your FREE copy of his special report, "Fish-Keeping Hobby Secrets Revealed".
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