Monday, October 31, 2011

Discus fish care - keep and take care of your Discus fish

Fish of the disk is one of the popular fish that have been taken as pets by enthusiasts and those who love the sight of these fish stained in fish tanks. Although it is of beautiful fish, adequate care are always important to grow up healthy and happy even if they are not in their natural habitat, so you must learn Discus fish care tips and techniques to give the impression that they are still in their habitat.

If you are one of those attracted by the beauty of this fish and you want to add to your aquarium, here are care of fish of the master drive among the important tips to help you.

-Understand the behaviour of fish from the start of the disk. Young Discus may be aggressive when it comes to eat but as they age, their dietary behaviour change. They also learn to become more graceful to maturity. A tip of Discus fish care base to keep in mind is that they live in groups in their natural habitat, so you should try also to give the fish a certain number of companion. It is advisable to have a group of six or more of the launch of the disk to prevent them from getting lonely in your aquarium and prevent them from becoming aggressive in their own genus. The launch of the disk is also a shy fish, it is therefore important to put some ornaments and plants in your aquarium to give fish a place to hide. They are also sensitive to noise, so you can not put them in the Office or in places where there is noise and distraction.

-Understand their specific needs. Another fundamental review in care of fish of the disk is their need for drinking water and good nutrition. As a freshwater, disk throwing fish likes free of chemicals water. The chlorinated tap water may need to be dechlorinated. You should also follow a regular schedule of the evolution of the water in their aquarium to keep clean. In terms of food, you may not also make them. Good nutrition for your fish promotes their healthy growth and their color large development and this may include an Omega, shrimp and other nutritious foods.

-Make sure you you are giving them an environment as close as possible to their natural habitat. The temperature should be as hot as their natural habitat. If you keep them in your aquarium for display, the ideal temperature changes from 27.5 to 29 degrees Celsius. Do not also put them in a tank of nu, or alone with other types of fish, but also give them a large aquarium enough for them to swim freely.

-Put in with the companions of the tank in good health. If you choose healthy to place in your aquarium Discus, ensure you also correctly select their tank mates. Make sure that these other species of fish not transfer diseases to your disk or intimidate the.

Before any attempt to introduce a Discus for your home, always be responsible and make sure that you really know how to take care of them and you know the disk throwing fish care databases. With this, you will be assured that you can have your fish with you for a longer time.

Carolyn Anderson is an independent author and pet lover. If you are an amateur or you find any pleasure in taking care of fish from the start of the disk, discover Secrets of fish from the start of the disk. See also training full of chat, a guide for you help train your cat and get rid of his bad behaviour.

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