Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Discus fish care tips - simple tips to take care of Discus fish

Fish of the disk is very sensitive creatures and how best to take care of them is to keep them without stress. Give them enough space to hide with great planting and balance pH and ideal temperature of the water. But most importantly, keep the water clean. It is a point of care of the fish of the crucial drive.

Here are some recommendations for owners of launch of the disk.

* Balance 26-31 degrees centigrade temperature and pH of 5.5 to 6.5 of the water. The pH balance should not fall below 5, in which case it could lead to bacterial growth in the filter for your aquarium

* Keeping the other fish with the discus, which can linger in the bottom of your aquarium to clean up the waste created by the start of the disk.

* Shaded light conditions are also ideal to start the disk.

* For the discus captive breeding, it is easier when the water is a little more difficult then usual. Discuss in captivity can survive up to pH 6.8, which is not recommended for the reproduction of fish.

* Another disk fish care tip is to frequently change the water of the aquarium.

* Food may include vase either fresh or frozen, earthworms or grubs. They should be fed 2 - 4 times per day.

The golden rule for the care of fish in the drive to avoid any change suddenly in the balance of temperature or pH or its surroundings. Being sensitive, abrupt change may result in become them sick or even die.

Therefore, to make these beautiful tropical creatures comfortable with their new home gives them an ideal condition where they can mimic their natural environment. This is what they do to survive in the water warm and calm of the Amazon River. Make sure that provide you fish disk appropriate care if you want your fish to be in good health, happy and beautiful.

It is the disc throwing fish care tips. If you want to offer the best care for your disk, keep them beautiful and learn how they reproduce the right way, click here.

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