Monday, November 7, 2011

A Guide on mutual assistance for fish Discus - the essential elements

My collection of tips to care for your Discus fish

Fish of the disk are considered by many as more admirable fish species you can keep as pets in your aquarium. However, you will find that their maintenance can present a challenge. You must remember that the launch of the drive are very sensitive when it comes to the quality of the water, they live in as well as the foods eat you.

So, here is my best couple of tips that you should remember to keep your fish happy and healthy.

First, you want to keep your own tank fish. You must keep in mind that the start of the disk are very sensitive to disease and water conditions. And they also really cannot tolerate early and major changes in the quality of the water. Small fish tanks will probably fluctuate when it comes to the pH of the water level and temperature. This is why the largest fish tanks are recommended to keep them and breeding of fish in the launch of the disk. The smallest size at least 6 fish of the disk would be a 40 gallon tank.

When you get a new fish, to the security of your fish of the previous disk, you have to quarantine new until you place them in your main tank. It is to carry on various types of bacteria, parasites, and other types of diseases that can be carried over to other fish in the main tank.

If the fish in quarantine is not no signs of disease or an unatural behavior after two or three weeks in quarantine tank, you can present to the main tank.

In addition, you need to remember that throwing the disk grows in tropical waters. So make sure to maintain the temperature of the water in your tank between 84 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a water heater in your tank to maintain healthy water temperature and you also need to invest in a thermometer of the water for you to constantly monitor the temperature.

The environment in the aquarium should mimic the natural environment of fish from the start of the disk. You must put in the logs, rocks, plants and other places where your fish can hide in or tuckaway in. You must organize many places in your tank where your disk can hide.

The diet of your fish is also important. Disk fish like to feed on worms. You must feed vase, shrimp and daphnia. However, these foods can carry parasites and bacteria that can be transferred to your fish to discuss. Then, be careful when feeding to your fish. Many breeders and guardians of fish of the disk prefer brine shrimp feed their fish since it is the safer alternative.

You must also keep in mind that these fish are very reactive with their environment. For example, place the aquarium containing the start of the disk in any area of your House who receives lots of traffic. High traffic can produce high levels of stress. Stress may lead to death.

Acidity and hardness of the water should also be kept at the first level. For the launch of the disk, the acidity of the optimum water would be a pH level of 6.

These councils runs and I can guarantee that you will be able to properly take care of your disk. These guidelines will serve as your guide to possess and maintain healthy fish and belle of the disk in your aquarium. Always remember that the start of the disk are social animals. Therefore try to keep at least disk 6 fish in your aquarium to keep happy.

Many boards on the premium plus, discus book reviews and guides go to! Discus books have been using more of raising me my own disk throwing fish reproduction and and they can really be an invaluable source of information.

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