Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Aquarium fish Discus - tips to keep your Discus

Aquarium Discus fish

A "disk Aquarium fish" is one of the most beautiful fish that might never want to keep. These wonderful creatures are great pets to keep in an aquarium. With their beauty however comes a price. Discus are very finicky creatures. They are not as the world wally special fish you see in a chain of department stores. Discus require special attention to keep them healthy. Don't let not this fact you intimidate well. With some guidance, you can be on your way to marinate a beautiful aquarium of "disk aquarium fish.

Fish aquarium Discus - first tip

The first point I would like to mention is balance of the aquarium. What I mean by the balance of the aquarium, it is to drive how you must keep an aquarium. The general rule is to keep only one fish of the disk by each 10 gallons of water can hold your tank. Launch disk as room browse therefore use this guideline and you'll save yourself from overcrowding your fish.

Fish aquarium Discus - second tip

The second point I would like to share is on the shape and size of the reservoir. First of all is form of tank. Discus prefer high size tank. You want to get a tank which is higher than longer. For example, if you had a tank that was 6 feet long and 18 inches deep you would be better to try to find a 3 feet high and 4 feet wide. This is what I mean by tanks taller of the convenience of the launch of the disk. However with that being said if was to have a tank as the first one I mentioned. I suggest you be exhausted and buy a new reservoir. It's a few guidelines to follow. They are not Gospel, but as a general rule, you want to have at least a depth of 18 "reservoir." I personally would recommend something smaller than a 35 gallon tank. This is just my personal opinion. I do not like use something smaller than 35 litres as small reservoir the most difficult, is to maintain the water. In addition, I would like to stay more than 3 fish.

Fish aquarium Discus - third tip

The third point, that I will share with you talking about power. Discus are creatures. To make your new drive home be sure to ask the breeder or guardian type of food that they are fed fish of fish. Even if the disk require no special regimes that they don their food to change suddenly. When wishing to eat different food. Feed the new food in small doses. To do this a few weeks, increasing the dosage. This will keep your fish without during the change of food stress.

Discus - fourth tip aquarium fish

The fourth tip of this series is one of the most important tips that you need to know. It is on the quality of water. Keep your own and stable water chemistry is a MUST! First, you need to keep clean water by ensuring that modify you the required.

Now I am developed chemistry. Appropriate for disk water temperature is between 82 and 86 degrees f. You should also check the hardness of the water. The water must be flexible, between 3 and 15dH. The PH level is another important factor. This must be between 5 and 6.5.

The PH is probably the most important of which most of the guardians of fish have problems with. The discus don't like compromising these PH factors. They will survive other pH conditions however do not deceive yourself in doing so. The fish can live and will even breed. The problem is that they will be always be underlined and life will be compromised. The bottom line is always test your water conditions and the very gradual making changes when applicable. When you make drastic changes chemistry that makes more harm than good on fish bringing an abundance of stress.

About the author:

Steve Jones is a guardian of fish expert and has an aquarium shop in Northern Michigan. Discover the that more advanced Aquarium Discus fish [http://www.]AQUARIUMDISCUSFISH.[Secrets INFO] to [http://www.]AQUARIUMDISCUSFISH.[INFO]

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