Monday, November 21, 2011

Breeding of fish in the drive - all you need to know!

Discus Fish Breeding and care

The disk of breeding fish can be quite a complicated process and should not really be attempted by beginners! Considered one of the most beautiful tropical fish, they require a lot of prerequisites and care to be ready to be occupied for the "King of the Aquarium!

Fish of the disk of breeding may start in two ways, one of more expensive than the other. Expensive but faster and more reliable method is to buy a pair of existing Discus which are, in the absence of a better term, consistent with the other. Or you can purchase a group of Discus - at least six is recommended - and hope that a couple will occur as they age. In addition, it is recommended to buy different varieties of Discus fish as this will help to expand the gene pool of genetics.

Keep in mind that once a pair is formed, they essentially become the dominant party and that they will claim private territory. At this stage, remove the other fish or move that torque in a special reservoir of reproduction - about 20-30 litres should be perfect. To ensure that the tank has hide stains as well as pairs of Discus will fight occasionally (as any fact couple!).

If you have the couple. Now comes the care. The disk of breeding fish requires strict regulation of the many factors - Chief among which are quality of the water and food.

At least 25% of the water in the reservoir of change twice a week-minimum. Ensure that the levels of ammonia and nitrite are virtually non-existent - is extremely important to keep the waste nitrogen as close to zero as possible. Discus are fish of acid water to maintain the levels of pH at a distance of 5-5.8 is vital. Especially when changing the water - fish Discus can go in shock if the levels change too quickly. In addition, regulation of the temperature of the water goes hand in hand with this. For fish reproductive drive, the recommended water temperature is about 82 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit.

The disk of breeding fish will also include many worms. Disk fish like white and black worms and feed on live prey for help in the process of reproduction. In addition, adult brine shrimp, daphnia and mosquito larvae would sufficient.

Once that spawning begins, you can expect up to 15 eggs every week or so! Usually, these will begin hatching within 48 hours. Don't worry about the preparation of food for them immediately because they feed off the coast of the Discus adult for the first days.

And this is the General overview of fish breeding Discus! Good luck and enjoy your new disk!

View the original article here

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