Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Guide for beginners to Discus fish

The 2 things you need to focus on when keeping Discus fish

When talking about the health of fish in the launch of the disk, there are really two main aspects where the concern should be focused on. These two highly will dictate whether your disk will be able to reproduce or let alone be in good health and live a long life. These two is the water where they live in the food they ingest. Another minor aspect which should also keep in mind before you have a fish of the disk is tank companions that will have your fish from the start of the disk. As a general rule, it is recommended that the fish of the disk should be the largest fish in the tank.

It was always said that prevention is better than cure, so knowing what signs to look out for to determine if there is something wrong with the tank or your disk throwing fish. To be honest, it is much more embarrassing treat the disease rather than just clearly keeping a routine to maintain a clean tank, at least you can place it in your calendar. In addition, keep it your own water reservoir is only one of the responsibilities of owning an aquarium.

Imagine what life would be if we don't breathe the air? Water is the air fish to the start of the disk. If your breathing thick smog all the time, then it is a certainty that you would get sick, perhaps developing cancer, or even suffocate to death in an instant. So, in the maintenance of the water in your tank, you need not only to keep it clean, you must also obtain the pH levels right and appropriate temperature that will simulate the waters from which came the launch of the disk, which is the Amazon River.

Change the water in your tank should be performed at least once or twice a week. A partial change will be as good and will require less manipulation of your fish. Change at least a quarter of the half of the water in the tank, it will suffice as long that you have a filtration system biological property installed. In some cases, some aquarium would add only certain drugs to clarify the dirt. Although shouldn't this often.

As for food, you should ask the store clerk what food they have the habit of. Disk throwing fish can be temperamental, so you must make sure that you can, keep food they typically eat. Make sure however to never make your fish. The extra food will simply become dirt inside the tank. For more young fish of the launch of the disk, you must feed their needs only fish about four times a day, aged to be fed twice a day. Crescents of fish need more food.

Fish of the disk must also be fed live or frozen foods from time to time. As they re carnivorous, this will add protein to their diet, protein they need to stay healthy. Usually, they would prefer as the brine shrimp or blood worms.

To help keep the tank clean, always clean your tank two hours after you have fed them, effective food excess.

Many boards on the premium plus, discus book reviews and guides go to! Discus books have been using more of raising me my own disk throwing fish reproduction and and they can really be an invaluable source of information.

John Sivalla

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