Saturday, November 5, 2011

Keeping Discus fish - advice that each owner of Discus should know

An amazing aquarium or tank can bring you lots of recognition of the visitors of your home. And the fish of the disk are the number one fish, you can choose to reside in your tank. This is due to the fact that they are intensely hued and attractive and also adapt to aquariums with more successful than most other tropical fish.

But they have some habits to correct care so that they can improve your tank for a long time.

Discus are shy and this characteristic could hinder their general behavior if they are mixed in other types of fish. But the advice below can ensure that you have no problems while increasing their.

Here are some tips to keep fish from the start of the disk:

1. Ensure that the temperature of the water in the tank stays between 74 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. It is the ideal temperature range for launch drive to prosper since it is somewhat similar to the hot water in their natural environment.

2 Discus also require a level of pH of 6.5 to 7.5. In the case where the water reached too much acidity, make back down by adding baking soda.

3 To ensure that the water remains clean with the help of filter pumps. And you need to clean the filter on a regular schedule to make sure that it works correctly.

4 Buy only discus fish food as they have very certain food requirements. You must provide the small amounts frequently to promote growth.

5. With regard to the correct environment, you should try to position the aquarium in a quiet of your home as discus do well with noise.

Here are some tips to keep fish from the start of the disk. If you want to learn more secrets on to keep them and take care of the disc throwing fish, click here.

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