Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Breeding Discus fish - tips and tricks

When it comes to fish reproduction of the launch of the disk, there are many things you should know before attempting to even try breeding, but this is really true of all species. Fish of the disk is excellent farmers and if you are interested in fish reproduction of the launch of the disk, then you'll like to know that you could earn a little income by breeding successfully your drive.

However, as with all species of fish, before you even contemplate fish reproduction of the launch of the disk, you must learn everything there is to know about disk then make sure that you do your home work before you start, try to reproduce! Once you think you are ready, then you might be wondering where to begin! Here are some really useful tips for breeding discus fish you started.

The first thing you should think about when you try to reproduce disk is the size of the tank you need. A bare bottom twenty seven gallon tank is ideal for farmed fish, you might think seems big enough, but the fish are not a species of small and they will need additional space for reproduction. An obvious factor that you should also consider when it comes to farmed fish, is that you will need a pair of fish, a male and a female! This may seem very obvious, but hey, you never know you?

Before you begin the selection process, you must ensure that you have provided the fish with a surface so that they lay their eggs on. they breed much like Angel and require a vertical surface to lay their eggs. Inverted Flowerpot will work very nicely and you can also provide additional shelter and protection for fish by adding more potted plants which can encourage disk fish to breed. Make sure that whenever you feed your fish, there is no food debris flying over and there is, then you must pick up their. Food remains can not only make the water dirty more quickly, but it can contain bacteria that can affect the health of the fish which are in turn impede the process of reproduction.

So that you the fish to breed successfully, they will need conditions of optimal water balance between a pH of at least 6.5 and a temperature of water which should always be around 86 degrees. This is because disk fish come from the warm waters in their natural environments and will be developed and breed better if they are given the best life situations.

The author has created a quality control site that provides answers to the latest information on fish reproduction of the disk that you can find anywhere.

Go to Fishy - Whisperer .com.

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